- 影视资讯
- 2024-11-05 22:47:19
- 32

《海上钢琴师》电影百度云资源「电影/1080p/高清」云网盘下载 百度网盘链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/gsbgvbghfhgt6vbp8hg...
最后这个天才要回到天堂去了,天堂里有钢琴吗?在轮船被炸毁的前一刻,1900的双手在凭空弹奏,那纤巧的手指随着背景音乐的节奏在上下起伏,仿佛在扣响天堂的大门。翻译:1st January 1900, ship crew Danni picked up a abondonded baby on the piano inside the hall of the ship, and he named this baby 1900. 1900 grew up happily under the care and white lies of Danni. After the accidental death of Danni, 1900 came to the hall by chance and he saw the piano for the first time. Now, the legend of 1900 begins.
Life is like the passangers on the boat, abroad, getting off aboard and getting off again, in this sequence. to 1900, there is nothing more about life. Although he lives on the sea, but he has looked through all the honour, lonliness, gain and fall of life amoung the men on the land around.
at last, this talented man is going backto the sky, the heaven. Are there pianos in the heaven? at the time of the explosion of the ship, 1900 played his hands in the air, the beautiful fingers move as the background music flows, as if knocking on the doors to heaven.
2、It is a story about spiritual freedom and pure soul.A man called 1900 was born on the ship,then he grew on the ship and died on the ship. The ship called Virginian bears his whole life.
4、In 1900's time,only once he made a decision to leave the ship and see the world.but at last he turned back.Because he can;t face the infinite city life.